Calling an auto towing service does more than ensure your vehicle gets to a garage. A fast tow gets you out of a potentially unsafe situation. Hazards from the weather and other drivers make sitting in a disabled vehicle a frightening proposition. Fear and worry about being towed leads some to make rash decisions about which garage to take the car. The tow could turn out to be an overall positive experience, but the quickly chosen garage turns out to be a rip-off. Don't leave much to chance. Figure out the best place for the towing service to take the vehicle.

Safety First and Foremost

Before you do anything, you must worry about your safety. When stuck at 3 AM on a desolate highway, you want to get to a secure location without delay. Skimming the internet to find out what garage opens first thing in the morning shouldn't be a top priority. However, if its noon and the car won't start and rests in a busy parking lot spot, you have more options. Maybe going to a busy diner, ordering coffee, and going over garage options on a smartphone is a wise plan.

Look Over Garage Reviews

The reviews for the nearest garage might be non-fiction horror stories. Moving swiftly, seemingly puts the stress of a disabled vehicle behind you. Trading in one problem, a problem that isn't necessarily on a time clock, for a disastrous garage experience makes little sense. Be sure to make the best choice regarding the tow's destination.

Check the Distance to the Best Garage

A tow truck will bring you where you want to go. If you want the vehicle dropped off 100 miles away, the towing service will handle the job and charge accordingly. Your insurance company, however, may only pay for, say, 30 miles. Perhaps it is best to focus on what's most important. To pay a little extra out of pocket to receive high-quality repair service isn't a bad plan.

The Tow Home

What happens if you are still unsure of what garage to select? A tow home might be in order. Yes, you would need another tow later to get the vehicle to a service station, which would cost more money. However, going to a garage known to overcharge customers hundreds is more costly in the long run.

Be strategic when calling a towing company. This way, things may work out best for you.
